14 tahun umur blog ini. Masya Allah yah, tanpa sengaja teringat akan blog ini ketika sedang mencari nama lengkap sendiri di halaman google. Lucu rasanya melihat diri sendiri sekian taun ke belakang, terasa energi yang masih berapi-api, haru melihat dulu pernah hancur karena jatuh cinta tapi berhasil bangkit lagi. Atas semua kesalahan-kesalahan yang pernah dibuat di masa lalu, mari maafkan diri sendiri, maafkan orang yang pernah menyakiti, maafkan masa-masa itu, karena pada akhirnya semua itu menjadikan diri yang sekarang sekuat ini. Luka? Dendam? Jangan salah sangka itu semua bukan melulu tentang cinta. Tidak ada lagi dendam, namun sesal harus ada, untuk menjaga iman ini selalu menuju ke arah Mu.
Kamis, 29 September 2022
Jumat, 09 September 2011
You can trough it
People change. So do I. Time flies. Another story has begun when another has ended. What I learned is...... I should be more stronger than yesterday. Problems comes and sometimes only time could solve it like what I feel now, I ask God for solving my problem...and the answer is "Be patient, I'm preaparing a better story for you.". I just believe that. :) :) You can do it, Dita. Whatever the problem, you can trough it.
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
New Life
What to say? My new life is tottaly different from I used to be.. Trapped at the country-side, actually just 7 am 'til 4 pm, monday-friday :p HOW GLAD to not live at the kos2an. College life and high school life hmmmm you know my heart might be left in my high school.
Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Hello :p
It's been a long time since I wrote my last post :p. Upcomin in several days, I'll be 18 years old. Omg. How f a s t. By the way, I'm a dentist will-be. Hihi. Now, I'm a student of Universitas Padjajaran. How lucky.
Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009
and for career..
As a Dreamy Idealist you are one of the introverted personality types. Therefore you prefer a quiet work environment where you can intensively deal with your responsibilities and are not disturbed by too many people and repeated distractions. You need a lot of time to dwell on your thoughts, to put them into words, and let your ideas take shape.
You are grateful for a certain measure of order and structure because they secure the time to achieve this so you can deal with one task after the other and not have to juggle a number of responsibilities at once - you don’t like that because it is important to you to deal with things thoroughly. Your capability to concentrate is unusually great and very often you become engrossed in something and forget everything around you - even to eat and drink.
Nevertheless, because you are very adaptable, congenial and interested in harmony and cooperation, you enjoy working together with others. A neighborhood that requires the ability to assert yourself and where direct confrontations are the order of the day is not your optimal environment. In order to permit you to fully develop your ability you need an environment that is as stress free as possible. If you can’t get that you soon suffer, because you take critique and negative feedback very personally.
You enjoy the opportunity for exchanges with other people you value and whose capabilities you respect but in this case remember the motto: Better less than more; better a few “hand picked” colleagues who truly move on your wavelength. It is best when you share the same high ideals and important objectives and together can fight for the same good cause because then you are truly in your element. If that is not the case, you do better by largely working by yourself because you belong to the personality types who can do that very well and don’t necessarily have to depend on others in order to come up with good results.
These special aptitudes predestine you for all working environments where the issue is conceptualizing, problem solving and developing new ideas. You are very creative and well able to go beyond the paradigm and choose original and unusual ways that no one before you even dreamt about. Even in complex situations, and facing difficult tasks, you confidently keep track because you are good at intuitively understanding the entire picture and extrapolating improved opportunities and development potential. Your sense for detail and the practical is less developed which occasionally leads to somehow chaotic operating methods and pretty lax contact with what you see as “bean counting.”
You are grateful for a certain measure of order and structure because they secure the time to achieve this so you can deal with one task after the other and not have to juggle a number of responsibilities at once - you don’t like that because it is important to you to deal with things thoroughly. Your capability to concentrate is unusually great and very often you become engrossed in something and forget everything around you - even to eat and drink.
Nevertheless, because you are very adaptable, congenial and interested in harmony and cooperation, you enjoy working together with others. A neighborhood that requires the ability to assert yourself and where direct confrontations are the order of the day is not your optimal environment. In order to permit you to fully develop your ability you need an environment that is as stress free as possible. If you can’t get that you soon suffer, because you take critique and negative feedback very personally.
You enjoy the opportunity for exchanges with other people you value and whose capabilities you respect but in this case remember the motto: Better less than more; better a few “hand picked” colleagues who truly move on your wavelength. It is best when you share the same high ideals and important objectives and together can fight for the same good cause because then you are truly in your element. If that is not the case, you do better by largely working by yourself because you belong to the personality types who can do that very well and don’t necessarily have to depend on others in order to come up with good results.
These special aptitudes predestine you for all working environments where the issue is conceptualizing, problem solving and developing new ideas. You are very creative and well able to go beyond the paradigm and choose original and unusual ways that no one before you even dreamt about. Even in complex situations, and facing difficult tasks, you confidently keep track because you are good at intuitively understanding the entire picture and extrapolating improved opportunities and development potential. Your sense for detail and the practical is less developed which occasionally leads to somehow chaotic operating methods and pretty lax contact with what you see as “bean counting.”
oh yeah, this is almost exactly could describe my self!
Idealis Pemimpi
Tipe Idealis Pemimpi sangat berhati-hati dan oleh karenanya tampak pemalu dan pendiam bagi orang lain. Mereka berbagi kehidupan emosional mereka yang kaya serta pendapat-pendapat kuat mereka dengan sedikit sekali orang. Namun orang sering keliru menilai mereka dingin dan pendiam. Mereka memiliki sistem nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip yang murni dan mulia yang menonjol di dalam diri mereka yang demi hal-hal itu mereka bersedia mengorbankan banyak hal. Joan of Arc atau Sir Galahad adalah contoh tipe kepribadian ini. Tipe Idealis Pemimpi selalu berusaha keras memperbaiki dunia. Mereka dapat sangat memikirkan orang lain dan melakukan banyak hal untuk mendukung mereka dan membela mereka. Mereka tertarik dengan sesama mereka, penuh perhatian dan murah hati terhadap mereka. Begitu antusiasme mereka akan suatu hal atau orang bangkit, mereka dapat menjadi pejuang yang tak kenal lelah.
Bagi tipe Idealis Pemimpi, hal-hal praktis tidak benar-benar penting. Mereka hanya menyibukkan diri dengan tuntutan-tuntutan harian yang duniawi saat benar-benar perlu. Mereka cenderung hidup sesuai dengan semboyan „yang jenius mengendalikan kekacauan“ – yang biasanya memang demikian sehingga biasanya mereka memiliki karir akademik yang gemilang. Mereka kurang tertarik dengan detail; mereka lebih suka melihat sesuatu secara keseluruhan. Ini artinya mereka masih memiliki pandangan menyeluruh yang baik ketika sesuatu mulai menjadi rumit. Namun demikian, sebagai akibatnya, sesekali dapat terjadi tipe Idealis Pemimpi melewatkan sesuatu yang penting. Karena mereka menyukai kedamaian, mereka cenderung tidak terang-terangan menunjukkan ketidakpuasan atau kejengkelan mereka melainkan memendamnya. Ketegasan bukan salah satu kekuatan mereka; mereka membenci konflik dan persaingan. Tipe Idealis Pemimpi lebih suka memotivasi orang lain dengan sifat ramah dan antusias mereka. Barangsiapa mendapatkan mereka sebagai atasan tidak akan pernah mengeluh kekurangan pujian.
Di tempat kerja, tipe Idealis Pemimpi adalah teman dan pasangan yang suka menolong dan setia, orang-orang yang memiliki integritas. Kewajiban sangat sakral bagi mereka. Perasaan orang lain penting bagi mereka dan mereka senang membuat orang lain bahagia. Mereka puas hanya dengan lingkaran kecil pertemanan; kebutuhan mereka akan kontak sosial tidak begitu menonjol karena mereka juga butuh banyak waktu untuk diri sendiri. Basa-basi kecil bukan keahlian mereka. Jika seseorang berharap berteman dengan mereka atau memiliki hubungan dengan mereka, orang itu harus mau berbagi dunia pemikiran mereka dan bersedia berpartisipasi dalam perbincangan mendalam. Jika Anda berhasil melakukan itu Anda akan dianugerahi dengan kemitraan yang luar biasa intensif dan kaya. Karena tuntutan-tuntutan mereka yang tinggi terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain, tipe kepribadian ini kadang-kadang menjejali hubungan dengan gagasan-gagasan romantis dan idealis hingga tingkat tertentu sehingga membuat pasangan merasa terbebani atau minder. Tipe Idealis Pemimpi tidak jatuh cinta dengan mabuk kepayang namun ketika mereka jatuh cinta mereka menginginkannya menjadi cinta sejati yang tak berkesudahan.
Sifat-sifat yang menggambarkan tipe ini: introvert, teoritis, emosional, spontan, idealis, pemimpi, meletup-letup, menyenangkan, pendiam, ramah, berapi-api, setia, perfeksionis, suka menolong, kreatif, tenang, ingin tahu, keras kepala, memiliki integritas, bersedia berkorban, romantis, hati-hati, pemalu, menyukai kedamaian, mudah tersinggung, peka, komunikatif, imajinatif.
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009
There is..
There is something wrong -but i don't sure exactly-.
Everything is fine -but i don't sure exactly-.
There is/are (some) problem(s) -but i don't know how big it/they is/are-.
There is/are (some) problem(s) -but i don't know how much it/they prove my life-
There is/are (some) problem(s) -and i don't know how to solve them-
There is/are (some) problem(s) -only God who really understand my problem-
Everything is fine -but i don't sure exactly-.
There is/are (some) problem(s) -but i don't know how big it/they is/are-.
There is/are (some) problem(s) -but i don't know how much it/they prove my life-
There is/are (some) problem(s) -and i don't know how to solve them-
There is/are (some) problem(s) -only God who really understand my problem-
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